Man's Fashion Tips

Style Hacks Every Man Should Know: Man’s Fashion Tips

Style Hacks Every Man Should Know: Man’s Fashion Tips

Life’s hard. In between getting along with your boss, having a social life, paying rent on time and generally just being a grown-ass adult, it’s a wonder we have any time to sleep or the brain capacity to remember our underwear.Even looking your best costs time and money. So to save you a bit of both, we’ve compiled a list of ways you can cut corners without sacrificing so much as an ounce of style.

Roll Your Shirt Sleeves Like A Marine

Though you might labor over deciding how to nail a dress code to the letter, it’s worth remembering that often it’s the little things that let an outfit down.Roll Your Shirt Sleeves Like A Marine

Messily rolled shirt sleeves are a prime culprit. Not only do they make it look like you’re about to do battle with a blocked toilet, but they’ll also fail to hold their shape and repeatedly fall back down your forearms. For a neat roll, deploy the marine’s approach.

Start with your sleeves fully extended and cuffs unbuttoned
Bend the sleeve at the cuff, curl it upward and over itself until it’s inside out
Straighten both the bottom and top of the rolled cuff, ensuring there are no creases
Repeat the process as necessary, gradually folding up to the desired height on your arm(Man’s Fashion Tips, Social trends, Fashion trends)

Keep Your Knits Neat

We’re pretty sure knitwear bobbles are a punishment sent down from the style gods for one fashion crime or another (we’re looking at you, boot cut jeans).
The result of fibres on the surface of the fabric becoming tangled together, they’re a surefire way to make a jumper look like it’s ready for the bin.
To restore your garment’s true nap (the raised fuzzy surface on your knit), you could use a Sweater Stone, a pumice-like lifesaver that lifts away the offending clumps, or an electric debobbler. But in a pinch, raid the bathroom cabinet instead. A disposable razor will do a similar job as both, but use this trick sparingly as the blades can damage sensitive fibers.

Also read: How To Get A Suit Tailored Perfectly.

Match Your Socks Like A ProMatch Your Socks Like A Pro

Small (and mostly out of sight) as they may be, a flash of novelty socks from under even the best-fitting suit trousers can instantly undo any and all of your sartorial efforts.
To stop playing a game of chance with your underwear drawer, stock up on styles that work with what you usually wear. As a general rule, you should aim to match the colour of your socks to that of your trousers

Swap Hair Gel For MoisturizerSwap Hair Gel For Moisturizer

As good as it is crafting the perfectly coiffed quiff, there are two potential pitfalls when using almost any type of hair product.
The first is that if you use too much of it, you can end up looking like a dead ringer for nineties-era Nick Carter. The second is that regularly used without thorough washing, the ingredients can strip your locks of their natural oils, making it straw dry.
Provided your usual style doesn’t require a cement-like hold, try using some hand or face moisturizer to shape your hair and keep it moisturized, as well as free of frizz. Not too much, mind – a pea-sized amount rubbed between your palms will suffice. (Man’s Fashion Tips, Social trends, Fashion trends)

Spot Clean Toothpaste Stains

Toothpaste is great for ensuring you don’t head out the door smelling like you ate trash for breakfast. It’s less great on your clothes.
If you don’t want a questionable white stain to stand between you and the dream job you’re about to interview for, or the hottie you’re about to go on a date with, try some spot treatment.
Act fast before the stain dries and fuses with the garment’s fibres
Moisten a clean cloth and blot the stained area (don’t wipe or you risk lifting the colour – particularly on dark items)
Mix a few drops of laundry detergent with a cup of warm water
Dip the moistened cloth in the sudsy water and gently blot the stain
Gently blot again with water to rinse, and leave to dry (or, if in a pinch, use a hair dryer on a moderate heat setting)

Also read: Why You Don’t Need Meet To Get Ripped According To A Bodybuilder

Rotation, Rotation, Rotation

We’re all for establishing a uniform, whether it’s immaculate tailoring, bleeding-edge streetwear or Scandi staples. But wearing the same thing day in, day out (like, the actual same thing) is not only gross, it’s bad for your clothing’s lifespan too.
Leaving a day or so between wearing your trusty Derby shoes or that classic grey sweatshirt allows them to absorb perspiration and dry thoroughly.
Fail to do this and the shape of your footwear will soon warp, while the rest of your clothing will quickly acquire a pungent fragrance you’ll never quite be able to wash out. (Man’s Fashion Tips, Social trends, Fashion trends)

Wash Jeans Inside Out To Protect The Dye

As the experts will tell you, jeans rarely need washing. In fact, in the case of raw denim, avoiding doing so helps with the breaking in process for a more custom look and fit.
But on the occasions that they do need to shake off unwanted travelers, turn them inside out before bundling them into the drum to help your sought-after dye stay exactly where it is.(Man’s Fashion Tips, Social trends, Fashion trends)

Replace Your LacesReplace Your Laces

Ignore those high-fashion nutcases trying to flog pre-battered footwear for the cost of a month’s rent. If you want to stand any chance of getting the most wear out of your sneakers, they should be kept pristine.
Because they’re made of fabric rather than wipe-clean leather, dirty laces are a dead giveaway that your kicks are anything but box-fresh.
For an easy way to turn back time to the day you queued round the block to cop a pair, regularly replace the laces with new white ones or throw the old ones in with a hot white wash.(Man’s Fashion Tips, Social trends, Fashion trends)

Pack Blazers Inside Out To Reduce CreasesPack Blazers Inside Out To Reduce Creases

Going somewhere fancy? You’ll need to pack a blazer. Can’t be bothered with a suit carrier? You’ll need to proceed with caution. Otherwise, you’ll be desperately ironing your jacket on a low heat and praying for the best.
To make sure creases don’t get their stubborn claws stuck into your tailoring, either wear it on the flight or learn how to pack it properly so it doesn’t arrive at your destination dishevelled. Even if the red-eye means you do.
Lay the suit jacket face-down with the buttons undone
Fold left shoulder back then turn right shoulder inside out and tuck left shoulder into it
Fold the jacket in half lengthwise and then fold it again horizontally
If travelling with trousers, wrap these neatly around the jacket
If possible, place the suit in a plastic dry-clean cover to further protect against wrinkles(Man’s Fashion Tips, Social trends, Fashion trends)

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