
Amazing Beauty Tips And Secrets For Men: Beauty Trends

Beauty Tips For Men: Male grooming is now on a par with the female grooming routine. Men are taking a lot more pride in their appearance and want to look great when they are in the public eye. Grooming products and services aimed towards men have become a thriving marketplace.

From well-manicured nails to male lipstick and eyeshadow, the modern man has a host of products to choose from to help him achieve his best look. Men can also use cosmetic surgery to enhance their features, remove unwanted fat and even reduce breasts if they have “man boobs.” For those who worry about the size of their manhood, there is surgery available for that too.

Yes, times have changed.

If you haven’t caught up with them, scroll down to discover what you may have overlooked.

1. Moisturize your skin

You take care of all the organs inside your body, but what are you doing to care for your largest organ – your skin? An adult carries around about 8 pounds of skin, so you need to make sure it’s healthy. Moisture is the number one way to keep your skin healthy. Drink plenty of water. And if your skin still feels a little dry, apply lotion after you shower. Use a body lotion on, well, your body, and get a face moisturizer for your face.

2. Protect your face when you shave

Shaving can cause irritation and in-grown hairs. Ouch. Plus, men’s skin is more prone to sensitivity, so if you’re not using a shaving cream when you groom your face, you need to be. Look for shave creams with soothing, anti-oxidant ingredients. We like Aveda’s Men Pure-Formance shave cream. If you struggle with redness when you shave, a soothing shave cream will save your skin. Notice we didn’t say shave gels. Gels tend to have more alcohol, which increases the risk of dry skin.

3. Always apply sunscreen

Another thing men tend to ignore is sunscreen. You must apply sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30. It is not the heat that causes tanning but the sun rays that spoils the color and texture of your skin. To minimize tanning, apply it on your face as well as your hands. Make sure you apply the sunscreen 15 minutes before heading out, so it gets absorbed better.

4. Avoid void wrinkles

The skin around the eyes, especially, lacks sweat and oil glands; making it highly susceptible to under-eye dehydration. This manifests as fine lines and wrinkles eventually. To prevent this, dab a little hydrating eye cream around your peepers every morning and before bedtime. Choose from the various men’s eye creams available in the market.

5. Put frozen spoons under your eyes

This sounds kind of crazy – but it works! Put a teaspoon in your freezer overnight, and in the morning place it under your eyes. You will look instantly more awake, and your under-eye bags will disappear like magic. No matter how badly you slept the night before, you will be able to walk out of your house looking like a male model.

6. Hydrate

Each day, men should drink at least 10 cups of water. When you drink water, toxins are flushed out of your body. This results in glowing, male model skin. Hydration is an easy way to care for your body – just up your water intake for plump, photoshoot-ready skin. (Beauty Tips For Men)

7. Sleep

Getting beauty sleep is not just for women! Male models swear by 8 hours of sleep a night for glowing skin. During sleep, your body repairs your skin, produces collagen which prevents wrinkles and increases blood flow to your face, creating a healthy glow. A lack of sleep can cause dark circles under your eyes – to prevent this and ensure you have male model skin when you wake up, make sure you get your sleep!

8. Don’t use soap on your face

You may think it makes sense to wash your face with the soap you use on your body –but do not do this! The soap you use to clean your body can mess up the pH of the skin on your face. This can cause dehydration, inflammation and even lead to acne. Use a dedicated facial cleanser to wash your face. The skin on your face is much more delicate than the skin on the rest of your body, so you have to be gentle with it. Keep your body soap away from your face! (Beauty Tips For Men)

9. Massage your face

Use soft, circular motions to massage tension out of your face. When you massage your face daily you increase facial circulation, resulting in a healthy glow. When you massage your face before you apply skincare products, the products absorb easily into the skin. Facial massage is a simple way you can achieve male model skin for free.

10. Men can use conditioner too

You may have heard that guys don’t need conditioner. If your hair is under two inches, you might be able to get by without using it, but if you have longer hair, you’ll definitely want to add a bottle of conditioner to your shower shelf. The conditioner will add back any moisture your shampoo strips away.

11. Keep your beard clean

It’s perfectly fine to sport a beard if you think that makes a style statement. But ensure that you keep it clean so that fears about itchiness don’t come between you and your loved one while you enjoy your conversation and meal. Simply follow a few basic hygiene measures. The best thing to do is to wash your beard with a face wash or shampoo. But ensure that you don’t over-shampoo your beard. It may completely remove natural oils that keep your beard healthy and moisturized. You may also apply some beard oil with fragrance after washing it.

Home remedies to get fair skin for men

1. Scrub your skin with honey and coffee face scrub

How to apply: 

  • Take 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of coffee, and a few drops of olive oil.
  • Mix these ingredients well and apply them to your face.
  • Scrub your face with this mixture for a few minutes and then wash it off with water.
  • The mixture will remove all the dead skin and leave your skin smoother and fresh.
2. Use almond, sandalwood, neem leaf, and turmeric face pack
  • Grind the neem leaves to make a paste.
  • Add sandalwood powder, almond powder and turmeric powder to the neem leaves paste and mix it well.
  • Apply this paste on your face and leave it for about 20 minutes.
  • After 20 minutes, use lukewarm water to rinse it off.
  • You will see an instant difference in your complexion.
3. Apply orange juice and turmeric paste

Orange is an effective home remedy for fair skin. Rich in vitamin C, the fruit will lighten your skin complexion. It will also improve the suppleness and texture of the skin. (Beauty Tips For Men)

  • All you need to do is mix a pinch of turmeric powder in 2 tablespoons of orange juice.
  • Mix it well and apply it to your face and leave it for around 20 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with normal water.
  • Follow this method regularly.
4. Apply mashed papaya mask

Papaya will make your skin healthy and fair. You need green papaya as it contains more papain, an enzyme that helps in exfoliating your skin.

  • To make this mask, peel the papaya and blend it into a smooth paste.
  • Apply this paste on your face and leave it for about 20 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with lukewarm water.
5. Scrub your skin with honey and coffee face scrub
  • Take 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of coffee, and a few drops of olive oil.
  • Mix these ingredients well and apply them to your face.
  • Scrub your face with this mixture for a few minutes and then wash it off with water.
  • The mixture will remove all the dead skin and leave your skin smoother and fresh.
Also read: Health Benefits of Dragon Fruit And Its Nutrition Facts
6. Olive Oil

Olive oil acts as an antioxidant for the skin. It helps in preventing early aging of the skin. Putting olive oil on the skin after exposure to the sun is known to fight cancer-causing cells. Olive oil is known to repair skin damage. It’s not only great for the skin but also gives it a nice shiny glow.

  • Take a few drops of olive oil and apply them all over your face and neck.
  • Massage in an upward direction for about two to three minutes.
  • Now, dip a towel in warm water, squeeze off the excess water and place it on your face and neck for about a minute. ( Beauty Tips For Men )
  • Dip the towel again in warm water and use it to gently wipe off the excess oil on the face and neck.
  • Now, with another clean towel dry off the face and neck area.
  • You should also include this step in your monsoon skincare routine.
Also read: How To Get Rid Of Acne Scars Naturally

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