Benefit Of Makhana

Benefit Of Makhana, Its Nutritional Value & Side Effects

Benefit Of Makhana, Its Nutritional Value & Side Effects

Before discussing the Benefit Of Makhana let us understand what Makhana is. Makhana is a type of seed derived from the Euryale Ferox plant. They’re also sometimes referred to as fox nuts or lotus seeds. Makhanas are widely cultivated throughout Asia and are often used in traditional forms of medicine to treat various conditions. They’re also sometimes roasted and enjoyed as a savory snack or added to curries, side dishes, or desserts.

What is Makhana Snack(Fox Nuts) and Where Does it Come From?

Makhanas are also known as fox nuts, Euryale Ferox, lotus seeds, gorgon nuts, and Phool makhana. These seeds are often used in quite a few Indian sweets and savories like kheer, raita, or makhana curry, and are also eaten as an evening tea-time snack.

What is Makhana or Fox Nut and Where Do They Come From? Not many of us would have known that fox nuts or makhana are a part of the lotus flower. The flower known for its beauty has much to offer, including lotus seeds or makhana. Makhana is highly produced in the state of Bihar in India, Korea, and Japan along with a few parts of eastern Russia.

How to Consume Makhana Snack

The beauty of these seeds is in their versatility. You can roast the seeds or fry them in a bit of ghee wherein they pop and resemble popcorn. These puffed seeds can be tossed with some black salt as a snack. Alternatively, the puffed seeds can be used as an ingredient in dishes like Makhana Kheer, Creamy Makhana with Mushrooms, and Makhana Chops. A paste made with lotus seeds is used as a key ingredient in many Japanese and Chinese desserts. The seed itself has a very neutral taste and takes on the flavors that are added to it.

Nutritional value of Makhana

Superfood makhana is rich in proteins and fiber and low in fat. 100 grams of makhana gives around 347 calories of energy.

There are around 9.7 grams of proteins and 14.5 grams of fiber in makhana. Makhanas are an excellent source of calcium.

They also contain magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus in a good amount. A few vitamins in less quantity are also present in makhana.

9 Amazing Health Benefit Of Makhanas

1. Promotes weight loss

The first thing we are advised to do when we plan to lose weight is to increase our protein intake. Makhanas are rich in protein, which keeps one full for longer. This in turn stops one from overeating later.
In addition to this, makhanas are low in calories, which makes them a perfect weight-loss snack. The least amount of saturated fats in makhanas makes them even healthier.

2. Good for digestion

The high fiber content in makhanas helps improve one’s digestive health. Including them in your daily diet can help improve bowel movement. In fact, regular consumption can help improve digestion and keep constipation at bay.

3. High in antioxidants

Makhana is rich in various antioxidants, which are compounds that help neutralize harmful free radicals and prevent oxidative stress. In particular, makhana contains specific antioxidants like gallic acid, chlorogenic acid, and epicatechin.

Research shows that antioxidants play a key role in several aspects of health and may help protect against chronic conditions like heart disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes. Antioxidants can also reduce inflammation, which could be beneficial for inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, gout, psoriasis, and inflammatory bowel disease.

4. May have anti-aging properties

Some studies suggest that certain compounds found in makhana could possess powerful anti-aging properties.

In fact, according to one review, makhana contains several amino acids known for their anti-aging properties, including glutamine, cystine, arginine, and methionine. Glutamine, for instance, is used to produce proline, which is an amino acid found in collagen, a compound that supports skin hydration and elasticity

Methionine and arginine are also involved in the production of creatine, another compound that has been shown to have anti-aging effects in several older studies. Makhana is likewise a good source of antioxidants, which can help promote skin health and slow signs of aging. This is one of the best Benefit of Makhana so far.

5. May promote heart health

Although research in humans is lacking, some animal studies have found that makhana seeds may benefit heart health.

One animal study found that administering makhana extract to rats with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease for 4 weeks significantly reduced high cholesterol and triglyceride levels, both of which are common risk factors for heart disease.

Another animal study observed similar findings, noting that makhana extracts improved cholesterol and triglyceride levels in rats with diabetes.

6. Strengthen your bones

We all know calcium plays a big role in keeping our bones strong and healthy. Makhanas have a decent amount of calcium, which makes them perfect for strengthening your bones.

7. Improve cognitive function

Makhanas have high thiamine content. Thus their consumption helps in sustaining the cognitive function of the nerves. Eating makhanas helps in the generation of acetylcholine and thus contributes to the process of neurotransmission.

8. Improves Digestion

Makhanas’ high fiber content promotes good bowel movement. So if you are struggling with that morning dump, include a bowl full of makhanas in your diet and you will be good to go.

9. Helps Build Muscle Mass

Makhana’s health benefits are also ample for vegetarians and vegans. Vegetarians can include these in their diet to get their daily dose of protein. One bowl of makhanas provides 4 gm. of protein which is equal to 7% of the daily recommended amount. Since makhanas come from a plant, they are also vegan-friendly. These were the 9 important Benefit Of Makhana.

Side Effects of Makhana

Lotus seeds or Makhana have to be consumed in moderation; as we all know anything in excess is not good for health. Some of the common side effects are a spike in insulin levels, gastrointestinal issues, and allergies. Excessive consumption also results in flatulence, constipation, and bloating. In case of any of these symptoms, it is definitely advisable to consult your general physician before consuming Makhanas Snack in your diet.

Eating Makhana at Night

Fox nut seeds or makhana are a boon for midnight munchers. They provide the requisite fiber content and protein with minimum carbohydrates. Also, since these nutritious seeds are free from gluten so they can be consumed by people who follow a gluten-free diet. Makhana seeds also help in weight management therefore it is fine to consume them at night also as compared to other fried, refined food and snacks available in the market.

Makhana Expiry

Usually makhana nuts have a shelf life of one year. However different makhana manufacturers may recommend between 6 months to one year depending on when the makhana seed was produced and finally when they hit the retail market. It is important for all individuals to note the shelf life of makhana clearly written on both wholesale as well as retail packs. The fox nut packaging labels also specify the storage conditions of makhana which should be followed to prevent them from going bad before the mentioned shelf life.

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How to Enjoy Makhana

Although makhana isn’t as widely available as other types of nuts and seeds, you can find it at many specialty stores or online retailers.

It has a mild, neutral flavor that works well in a variety of recipes.

One of the most popular ways to prepare makhana involves roasting the seeds and seasoning them with your choice of herbs and spices, such as sea salt, turmeric, chili powder, or black pepper.

It also makes a great addition to main courses, including curries or Bhel puri, which is a dish made with puffed rice, peanuts, chutneys, and vegetables. (Fox nuts)

Alternatively, you can try mixing chopped and roasted makhana seeds into kheer, a rice pudding popular in India.

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