botox for Crow’s Feet

Botox For Crow’s Feet: Side Effects, Cost & Recovery

Botox injections are one of the most common types of outpatient procedures for crow’s feet. Crow’s feet are wrinkles marked in the corners of your eyes. Unlike expression lines or wrinkles on other facial areas, crow’s feet may seem to look more pronounced or deeper on your skin.

What is Botox?

Put simply, Botox is a medication injected into muscles in order to temporarily smooth crow’s-feet around the eyes and frown lines on the forehead. It contains a highly purified botulinum toxin protein.

What are Crow’s Feet?

Also known as the orbicularis oculi contractions, crow’s feet are lines that generally occur close to our eyes when we laugh or sneeze. When you frown, a crease occurs between your eyebrows rather than at the edge of the eyes, so this does not fall in the same category as crow’s feet.

As stated by the certified dermatologist and beauty expert, Dr. Anna Gaunche, crow’s lines arise when we squint. There are rapid motions between muscles near the eye area that create perpendicular lines right next to the circular muscles’ end.

These crow’s lines can be classified into two:

  • Dynamic
  • Static

Dynamic lines occur when you periodically smile or laugh, and these appear temporarily. These are known as laugh lines.

As the name implies, static lines remain stagnant on your face, which can be a result of either a long history of sun exposure, smiling, or even frowning. It can damage the tissues present in the deep skin layers, ultimately leading to the early formation of aging indications.

How does Botox work?

Botox is a muscle-relaxing treatment. It’s used for a variety of medical purposes, including eye twitching and excessive sweating. The injections work by stopping nerve signals from reaching the muscles so that they don’t contract as often.

Botox Cosmetic for wrinkles, according to the Mayo Clinic, is by far the most common use of the product. When using for crow’s feet, the injections relax muscles surrounding your eye corners, so your skin smooths out. The effects may be especially noticeable when you laugh.

Why does smiling make Weinkle?

It’s not just smiling—squinting also stretches and etches folds into the skin around your eyes after years of repetitive muscle movements. Most people start to notice these wrinkles in their thirties, or maybe earlier if they have really funny friends. By the time you hit your forties, the visible benefits from Botox will be substantial. But what many people don’t know is that you don’t have to wait that long—in fact, kick-starting your rejuvenation regimen early can actually
prevent wrinkles from forming.

What causes lines around the Eyes?

“A combination of loss of skin elasticity and collagen, and skin movement are the main causes of crow’s feet,” explains Dr. Michael Prager, one of London’s most sought-after aesthetic doctors. As we age, our skin loses elastin (its stretch) and collagen (its plumpness), but sun damage, free radicals, and hormone changes elevate this. On average weblink 15–20 times a minute (that’s 20,000 times per day), causing the facial muscles to crinkle and almost constantly move. Blinking
aside, Mr. Kambiz Golchin, a facial plastic surgeon, says “all facial movements, whether they are happy or sad, will eventually cause lines and wrinkles.” So when we collectively eye-rolled at Kim Kardashian admitting she doesn’t laugh often for fear of aging, she’s not misguided – sad though her commitment may be.

How can you prevent them?

While not blinking – and forgoing smiling – isn’t an option, you can prevent crow’s feet by protecting the area against environmental damage (think UV rays and pollution)

Today’s best eye products can be relied upon to dissipate UV rays and free radicals in the environment, preventing crow’s feet (amongst other signs of skin aging) before they occur.

For anyone dubious about the need for a separate eye cream, facialist Kate Kerr explains why it’s really worth investing. “During the day your eye care should be all about prevention and protection. When it comes to the eyes, we are looking for the same outcome as the rest of the face – a thickening and strengthening of the skin – and it’s the same ingredients that do that. However, a targetted eye cream can also address specific concerns such as under-eye circles, loss of collagen, and fine lines and wrinkles. Eye-specific skincare is generally formulated to be thinner in texture and with a lower concentration of active ingredients, reducing
the chance of irritation.”

What to Expect During the Procedure

Botox for crow’s feet is a non-surgical procedure that typically takes less than 30 minutes to complete. It’s typically performed in-office using very fine needles that are injected into the orbicularis-oculi, a ring-shaped muscle that surrounds your eye and closes your eyelid. The orbicularis-oculi accentuates your crow’s feet when contracted.

Injection sites and pattern

The procedure involves three injections on each side of the face. The first injection is usually positioned 1.5-2 cm from the lateral canthus (the corner of the eye where the upper and lower eyelids meet), while the position of the second and third injections vary depending on how your crow’s feet are distributed.

If your crow’s feet radiate out above and below the lateral canthus, the second and third injections will be positioned above and below the corner of your eye at approximately a 30-degree angle from the first injection.

On the other hand, if your crow’s feet are primarily located below the lateral canthus, the second and third injections will be positioned below the first injection about 1-2 cm from the outside edge of your eye.

Are the injections painful?

The injections are not considered to be painful. Your provider may use ice or a topical anesthetic to reduce any potential discomfort you may experience during the procedure.

When does it start working?

Some people see results as early as 12 hours after the injection. The full effects, however, are unlikely to appear in the first 14 days.

A person may see the effects sooner if they practice certain facial exercises, authors of a 2019 study report.

How much does Botox Cost?

Cost varies, as some clinics choose to charge per unit and others per area. The average price is about $20 per unit, and a single treatment might use anywhere from 20 to 60 units per area. Expect to pay about $500 to $800 per session on average.

That said, if you use our site, you could find deals on Botox near you for as low as $7 per unit, and between $120 to $600 per session.

How Many Units of Botox Do You Need to Treat Crow’s Feet?

Most people get the best results using 8-12 units of Botox per side, with some variation depending on your age, the severity of your crow’s feet, and the condition of your skin. Younger skin tends to require fewer units. Men typically need more units than women due to their stronger facial muscles.

What Are the Side Effects of Crow’s Feet Botox Injections?

Botox is generally considered a safe treatment, and many people are able to successfully treat their crow’s feet without experiencing serious adverse effects.

However, there are some risks to be aware of. As noted in research published in the Medicine journal, the most common complications among patients who receive Botox for crow’s feet include:

  • Bruising
  • Dry eyes
  • Blurry vision
  • Eyelid retraction
  • Excessive tearing

There is also a small risk of Botox spreading slightly beyond the injection site, which can affect how your face moves and functions. The side effects of this may include droopy eyelids, crooked eyebrows, and watery eyes.

How to conceal Crow’s Feet

Crow’s feet are tough to conceal, but here are a few tips:

  • Apply moisturizing eye cream in the morning and night before applying makeup.
  • Try using a silicone-based primer to fill in the deep “valleys” of your wrinkles and create a smoother appearance.
  • Go easy on the concealer and foundation. Heavy makeup makes wrinkles more pronounced. Try light to medium coverage foundation or a beauty balm.
  • If you don’t have time to get a new foundation, try applying your current one with a damp sponge. Blend it well for flawless, light coverage.
  • Don’t use loose powder on your crow’s feet. It can settle in your wrinkles.
  • Draw attention away from your eyes by skipping false eyelashes, shimmery eye shadow, and dark liquid liners. Instead, use a highlighter on your cheeks and dramatic lipstick.

How is the Botox Treatment Process?

Botulinum toxin is administered by diluting the powder in saline and injecting it directly into neuromuscular tissue. Most patients choose to have topical anesthetic ointment applied to the areas which will be treated in order to dull sensation in the area. Others prefer nothing at all. You will have the opportunity to choose before your treatment.

Just prior to botox injection, any topical anesthetic ointment that has been applied will be gently removed and an ice pack applied to the area. After a short time, typically measured in seconds, the ice pack will be removed, the treatment area will be cleaned with alcohol or an antiseptic such as betadine, and Botox (or other neuromodulators) injections will be performed.

It takes 24-72 hours for botulinum toxin to take effect. In very rare circumstances, it may take as long as 5 days for the full effect of botulinum toxin to be observed.

How long does Botox Last?

Botox freezes muscle movement by blocking neurotransmitters and this effect lasts for 4-6 months – this means you will need top-ups a few times a year if you wish to maintain your line-free look.

Once you’ve had Botox injected, the effects on the muscles usually become apparent within a few hours, with the main effects appearing after about a week.

Are the Injections Safe?

Botox is a relatively safe treatment, but it should always be undertaken by a qualified medical professional to ensure that you are getting the correct amount in the right area.

Visiting someone without the correct qualifications and experience could lead to asymmetrical results, muscle drooping, frozen expressions as well as various other dangerous consequences.

Botox Before and After Pictures

Botox For Crow's Feet

Botox Before and after pictures are a great way to see the effects of Botox on wrinkles and fine lines of the face. Many patients come into the office and express to Dr. Doppelt that they feel like they no longer look like themselves, always look tired, or even worse, mad! Botox Cosmetic is the answer if you want to improve the appearance of frown lines between the brows and crow’s feet. Botox is a quick, safe and effective treatment and requires no downtime. You’ll still look like yourself, only refreshed.

How to get rid of crow’s feet without Botox

1. Use an egg white and vitamin E facial mask

egg whites can help tighten your skin, causing a reduction in the appearance of crow’s feet. Moreover, eggs are rich in proteins that aid in tissue repair, magnesium for skin renewal, and potassium that helps hydrate the skin.

Vitamin E is used with egg whites for its antioxidant nature that promotes tissue regeneration. Thus, an egg white and vitamin E facial mask can improve crow’s feet
by tightening the skin around the eyes while keeping it moisturized, soft, and young-looking.

How to apply:

  • Beat one egg white until frothy and break 1 vitamin E capsule into it.
  • Apply the mask to your face, taking care that no facial muscle is tense.
  • Once dry, apply a second layer of the mask.
  • Wash your face with soap and water after 15 minutes.
  • You can repeat this remedy 3–4 times a week.
2. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera has great antioxidant properties and contains many essential vitamins and minerals. Antioxidant properties of the Aloe Vera plant include a high concentration of vitamins A, C, E, and B12. The plant also contains folic acid and choline which are also good for the skin.

How to apply:

  • Cut a fresh Aloe Vera leaf and squeeze out the gel from inside the leaf.
  • Apply it to your face and leave it on during the night.
  • In the morning, rinse your face with cold water.
3. Papaya and Yogurt mask

Papayas have a high amount of antioxidants such as carotenes and vitamin C, which are useful in preventing damage caused by free radicals. Moreover, they promote collagen production in the skin.

Yogurt is used for its lactic acid, which helps remove dirt, dead skin cells, and germs from the skin, mildly exfoliating it. Additionally, yogurt can help fade blemishes and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

How to apply:

  • Mix 1 tbsp each of yogurt and mashed papaya to form a smooth paste.
  • Apply the paste to your face.
  • Wash your face with lukewarm water after 10 minutes.
4. Honey and Yogurt Mask

Honey hydrates skin and helps to remove bacteria. It also works as an antioxidant to keep your skin feeling soft. The lactic acid in yogurt exfoliates the skin which will help to keep your skin firm and smooth.

How to apply:-

  • Combine equal amounts of honey and plain yogurt into a bowl.
  • Mix them both together and apply to your face.
  • Leave the mask on for 10 minutes and then rinse with cold water.
5. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil can be used to nourish the skin. It contains a high amount of vitamin E and linoleic acid which can help to reconnect broken skin tissues. This will delay the appearance of wrinkles and crow’s feet.

How to apply:

  • Rub some extra virgin coconut oil around your eyes each night before going to sleep.
  • Use a few drops and gently rub the oil into the skin.
6. Cucumbers

Cucumbers help to nourish the skin. The soothing properties of cucumber can help reduce the appearance of crow’s feet.

How to apply:

  • Grate and extract the juice of cucumber and apply it around the eyes.
  • Rinse it off with cold water after 10 minutes.
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Which essential oils help get rid of wrinkles?

  • Sandalwood
  • Lemon
  • Argan Oil
  • lary sage oil
  • Clary sage
  • Pomegranate
  • Lavender
  • Carrot seed
  • Rosemary
  • Frankincense
  • Rose
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