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How To Reduce Wrinkles On The Face?

How To Reduce Wrinkles On The Face?

How To Reduce Wrinkles On The Face? Have you started noticing sudden changes on your face since the time you hit 40? Even if you are younger, do you want to prevent premature skin aging? Well, wrinkles are the first and most visible signs of aging. When the skin gets dry, it can lead to the appearance of fine lines as you age, especially around the eyes, mouth and between the eyebrows.
But fret not! While it’s very natural for your skin to develop wrinkles as you age, you can delay their appearance and also diminish the existing ones with the right care. Let’s find out how.



1.Sun Damage:
One of the main causes of wrinkles is exposure to the sun’s UV rays, which can even lead to premature aging. The UV rays break down the collagen fibers and lead to the production of an enzyme called metalloproteinase , which remakes the collagen. During the process, however, some healthy collagen fibers gets damaged, resulting in the disorganized formation of fibers.

2.Eat more fruits and vegetables:
The key, says Kraus, are their antioxidant compounds. These compounds fight damage caused by free radicals (unstable molecules that can damage cells), which in turn helps skin look younger and more radiant, and protects against some effects of photo-aging.

3.Use moisturizer:
“Women, especially, are so concerned with anti-aging products they often overlook the power of a simple moisturizer. Skin that is moist simply looks better, so lines and creases are far less noticeable.

Also read: Best Beauty Tips To Follow In Summers: Health Trends

4.Get enough beauty sleep:

Try to get around eight hours of sleep per night and allow your body time to repair itself. Boost your skin’s regeneration process by applying a rich anti-wrinkle night cream before bed

5.Reduce stress:
Try to minimise your workload or cut down on anything that stresses you out and might be causing your wrinkles. Yoga and meditation can also help. Foods with the highest antioxidant content include:
Red kidney beans.

6.Facial Muscles:
When we laugh or frown, or even squint, lines are formed due to the contractions of the muscles below. These frequent facial expressions cause these lines to become more visible as we age.

Also read: Reasons behind getting older before time

7.Sleep on your back:
your sleeping position may have an effect on the formation of wrinkles. The study found that people who sleep on their side or stomach are prone to mechanical compression forces, which can speed up the formation of wrinkles, and also distort facial skin. One way to prevent this is to try sleeping on your back instead of on your side or stomach.

8.Stop smoking:
If an increased risk of lung cancer, emphysema, and heart disease aren’t enough to make you stop smoking, maybe the thought of premature aging and wrinkles. Smoking is a main cause of premature aging and wrinkles.


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