Skin care tips

Best Beauty Tips To Follow In Summers

Skin care tips: With the scorching summer nearing us, we tell you beauty tips to follow to beat the heat.

While summer love is a time to unwind and get your bright colorful dresses on display, it is in fact the heat that crushes all dreams and hopes for the season. During the scorching Indian summer, we are all at the mercy of air conditioners as the sun sucks the life out of us and creates trouble with body hydration, beautiful skin, and flawless hair. Unlike any weather, summer demands special treatment for your hair and skin and even though all we’ve probably told you yet is the bad news, we’ve got some good news too. Get prepped beforehand as we tell you some of the best beauty tips you can follow for the upcoming summer season.

Skin Care Tips You Must Follow

1. Sunscreen

Sunscreen is a must-have in your handbag in summer.
Check the SPF to suit the summer sun in your city. Apply the sunscreen at least 30 minutes before you step out so that it has time to soak into your skin and protect your skin from being tanned.

2. Protective Hair Mask

The strong summer sun can also harm your hair. The hot and humid conditions can cause your scalp to sweat profusely. Shampooing daily can be harmful and hence, The best way to protect your hair is to use a protective hair mask at least once a week.

3. Use Waterproof And Lightweight Makeup

Nobody loves oil creasing eyelids or an oily foundation that melts on the skin. Choose lightweight makeup formulas for a summer-friendly look without working about your makeup running all over. Ditch your liquid foundations for a powder-based one or better still a lightweight BB cream for a fresh dewy look. Use waterproof mascaras to avoid panda eyes, lip and cheek stains for the usual blushes that will allow your skin to breathe too while working its magic. (Skin care tips)

4. Avoid Overheating Your Hair

We get it, you just got a haircut recently, it looks on fleek, you want to show it off. We get it. However, no matter how perfect your luscious locks are after your blow-dry, all you’re doing is draining your hair off of its natural oils leaving them dry and lifeless. Make way for heatless curls or natural waves this season and keep the moisture locked in with natural serums for that perfectly shiny hair. Instead experiment with different hairstyles for all lengths of hair to keep the style quotient high but minus the damage. (Skin care tips)

5. Hydrate Your Skin

Summer is the time to keep’ your skin moisturized and hydrated more than anytime else. But remember to throw away your greasy winter body butter (well, not literally!) and switch to lighter lotions. Another way to keep your skin glowing is an intake of at least 7-8 glasses of water. Not only will it keep dehydration at bay, but it will also flush out toxins from your body as well. And if you think that’s not enough, you can invest in some good hydrating masks. Use them a couple of times a week to keep your skin fresh and hydrated.

6. Take Shorter Showers

Sounds strange right? But it is one of the best skincare tips during the soaring summer days. How? Taking longer showers or over-showering can make your skin drier, leading to inflammation and eczema flare-ups. Also, taking a bath in water that’s too hot is not recommended at all. So, if you are habitual of taking showers after workouts, beach days, or your casual outings, make sure you are not harming your skin in any way.

7. Refresh Your Skin with Toners

Toners are a must-have summer essential for all skin types. The application of toner can reduce the appearance of pores, keeping your skin oil-free. While you must apply the toner on your entire face, the T-zone needs special attention. This is because this area has the largest concentration of sebaceous glands (the ones that secrete oil). Using a refreshing toner containing aloe vera and cucumber extracts is one of the best summer skincare tips you must follow.

8. Give Your Body Proper Rest

Getting proper sleep is important, irrespective of the season. It not only keeps you healthy but also reduces the signs of aging and removes dullness from your face. (Skin care tips) That’s why you must maintain a schedule that allows you to take enough time to rest. So, sleep on time and let your skin get repaired and refreshed during the night.

9. Switch to Healthy Eating

What we eat reflects on our skin. Oily food and sugary drinks will make your skin look dull and sluggish. Also, it can lead to breakouts on your face. So, try to include seasonal vegetables and fruits in your diet. Filled with the goodness of vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants, they will nourish your skin. They reduce inflammation and protect your skin from the damage done by the harmful sun rays. When you feel the need to drink something refreshing, enjoy coconut water (not a packaged drink).

Home Remedies For Flawless Skin

1. Cucumber face mask

Cucumber is a wonderful cooling element to be applied to your skin in summer. It’s not only used in salads but also easily available and cheap. Also, it has many beneficial nutrients for our skin and body.

(A) Gram Flour (Besan) for glowing skin

How to apply:

  • Make a smooth mixture of cucumber juice and besan
  • Apply this mixture to your skin. Leave it for 20-30 minutes
  • Rinse it with lukewarm water
  • Gently pat your skin dry

This cucumber and besan face mask will freshen up your skin and gives it a natural glow.

(B) Cucumber and Potato face mask

How to apply:

  • Prepare cucumber and potato juice
  • Apply the mixture to your face
  • Rest it for 10 to 15 minutes and then wash it off

This cucumber and potato juice face pack will help you to remove tans and soothe sunburns.

(C) Cucumber and Milk face mask

How to apply:

  • Add 2 tablespoons milk to 2 tablespoons of cucumber pulp
  • Put it on your face and neck
  • After keeping it for 20 minutes, clean the pack with lukewarm water

This milk face pack with cucumber will glow your skin in no time.

2. Banana face mask

Apart from having great health benefits, banana also offers remarkable effects on the skin when applied. This pocket-friendly ingredient nourishes and protects your skin from germs and infections. It works as an anti-aging mask that also treats acne and provides a natural healthy glow to the skin.

(A) Avocado and banana face mask

How to apply:

  • Take half banana and avocado. Simply smash them together
  • Add 2 tbs of honey to the smash and mix it to make a smooth paste
  • Apply this freshly prepared mask on a clean face
  • Let it sit there for 20-30 minutes. Massage the face with a pack for 4-5 minutes and then remove with a wet washcloth
  • Wash your face after 30 minutes of removing the face pack

If you want to enjoy instant glow this summer then try this pack. (Skin care tips)

(B) Oats and Milk face mask

How to apply:

  • Smash half a banana and add milk into it. Now add oats and leave it for 10 minutes
  • Mix it well to prepare a smooth mixture
  • Clean your face, apply the paste and let it sit for 20 to 30 minutes
  • Wet your hands with water and gently rub your face with a pack
  • Finally, remove the pack and pat the skin dry

Milk is the ultimate solution for rehydrating the skin, while oats remove sun tans and give anti-aging benefits. Try this three ingredients pack for healthy glowing skin this summer.

2. Papaya face mask

Papaya is one of the best home remedies for glowing skin. This nutritious fruit has bleaching and antibacterial properties which glow your skin by eliminating dead skin cells and reducing scars effects.

Additionally, there is papain in papaya which acts as an exfoliator. It penetrates deep into skin layers and removes dead skin cells, making it more radiant, younger, and glowy.

(A) Honey and Egg White

How to apply:

  • Prepare 2 tablespoons of mashed papaya, 1 tablespoon of honey, and 1 egg white
  • Stir them well and apply them to your face and neck
  • Wash it off with warm water
  • Do this at least once a week

Honey will hydrate and smoothen your skin while egg white tightens up your skin pores, thus give you your dream smooth-looking glow. (Skin care tips)

(B) Papaya and lemon face mask

How to apply:

  • For this face pack, you have to mix mashed papaya with 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • Allow this face pack to rest on your face for 10 minutes
  • Wash off the face pack with water

Vitamin C available in lemon makes it perfect as a dark spot-lightening agent. Its bleaching and antioxidant properties help to fight aging bacteria.

3. Turmeric face mask

A most integral part of the Indian culture – Turmeric (Haldi) offers its own unique health and beauty benefits. Turmeric is the best healing spice being used for a long time as a beauty treatment due to its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-aging properties.

As it’s a natural antiseptic, Indian brides do have rituals of doing Turmeric or Haldi body scrub before a wedding day. It makes the skin flawless and glowing.

(A) Turmeric and sandalwood face mask

How to apply:

  • Prepare the pack with sandalwood powder and a pinch of turmeric in a bowl
  • Make a smooth paste by adding rose water to it
  • Apply this sandalwood and turmeric pack
  • Keep it for 15 minutes and rinse with cool water
  • To perform this twice per week

Sandalwood Powder or Chandan is a natural exfoliator that absorbs excess oil and allows your skin to glow and shine. (Skin care tips)

(B) Yogurt, fuller’s earth, and rose water

How to apply:

  • Make a mixture of 2 teaspoons yogurt, 1 teaspoon of Fuller’s earth (Multani mitti), rose water, and a pinch of turmeric. Optionally, you can also add sandalwood powder
  • Stir them well as we need smooth paste of it to apply over the face
  • Let it set on your face for 15 minutes and then wash the face with cool water

In fact, the clay mask with coffee and charcoal is also a great combination for glowing skin in summer:

4. Lemon face mask

Lemon is perfect for removing summer tanning as it is a natural bleaching agent having Vitamin C. It is a great option of a natural way to get glowing skin in summer.

(A) Honey and lemon face mask

How to apply:

  • First of all mix raw honey and lemon juice in an equal amount
  • Apply this mixture on the skin and leave it for about 15 minutes
  • Wash it with normal water

Honey softens and supples the skin. The lemon and honey face pack helps to remove tan and gives you fair and glowing skin.

(B) Strawberry lemon face mask

How to apply:

  • Cut 2 to 3 strawberries to get the pulp out of it
  • Combine the pulp with 1 tablespoon yogurt, half tablespoon lemon juice, and 1 tablespoon, honey
  • Cover the face and neck with the prepared strawberry and lemon face pack
  • After letting it stay for 15 minutes, remove the pack with water giving a gentle circular motion massage
  • Follow this process once a week

Strawberries are healthy to eat and as a beauty product also. It makes the skin firm and taut by reducing fine lines and wrinkles. (Skin care tips)

Summer Foods for Gorgeous, Glowing Skin

1. For better skin elasticity, eat Brazil nuts

Antioxidants like selenium have been shown to help reduce oxidative stress—which has been linked to premature aging—by neutralizing excess free radicals and protecting against cell damage. “Selenium protects the skin quality and elasticity, which safeguards the skin from sun damage and delays aging,” says Nikki Ostrower, an integrative nutritionist and owner of Nao Nutrition in New York City. “Foods rich in selenium include Brazil nuts, wild salmon, garlic, Brazil nuts, pastured eggs, and brown rice.”

2. Tomatoes may reverse sun damage

Want to minimize those unflattering sunspots and burns? Then toss a few raw tomatoes into your salad. Research, including a study published in 2015 in Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, suggests a diet rich in tangerine tomatoes can reduce UV-induced skin damage. (Skin care tips) “Tomatoes are a great source of the antioxidant lycopene, which helps protect the skin from damage from the sun and the environment (think pollution) that can cause dark spots, lines, dryness, and skin roughness,” says Brigitte Zeitlin, RD, and owner of BZ Nutrition.

3. Coconut oil may improve wrinkles

A review of studies published in 2018 in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences looked at the skin-repairing benefits of plant oils and found that coconut oil —when applied to the skin—acts as an anti-inflammatory and helps protect the skin from UV rays.

“Coconut oil is known to rebuild our skin tissue and it can regularly be used both topically and internally for the elimination of wrinkles,” Ostrower says. “Coconut oil is both hydrating and rebuilds our connective tissues, and damaged connective tissues are often the cause of wrinkles. The best kind to get is organic extra virgin coconut oil.” Veggie stir-frys are delicious with coconut oil. (Before you stock up though, make sure you know the facts about coconut oil’s nutrition.)

4. Eliminate dark circles by drinking green tea

“Oftentimes, allergens are the cause of dark circles or puffiness,” says Lauren Slayton, RD, and owner of Foodtrainers in New York City. “Fortunately, there are edible antihistamines. Seek out foods high in quercetin such as blackberries, blueberries, and green tea.” Who knew you could eat your way out of allergies!

5. Get rid of skin flakiness by eating cherries

A review of studies looking at the health benefits of cherries, published in 2018 in Nutrients, suggests that eating sweet or tart cherries can prevent and decrease oxidative stress, which plays a major role in the aging process. and inflammation.”Summer is all about a nice bowl of cherries,” Zeitlin says. “And what’s great about this stone fruit is that it is high in vitamin C and potassium, two important nutrients for your skin health. Vitamin C gets that collagen pumping, while potassium helps to keep your skin well hydrated, giving you that dewy summer skin glow and preventing dry, flaky skin.”

6. Zucchini may help collagen production

“This squash is high in manganese, a mineral that helps to fight off sun damage on your skin, aids in the production of collagen, which increases skin elasticity, and helps fight off rashes from the heat and sun,” Zeitlin says. Now that’s what we call a skin superfood jackpot. Besides zucchini, manganese-rich foods include
mussels, nuts, whole grains, oysters, brown rice, leafy vegetables, and many spices, such as black pepper.

7. Ginger may improve acne

Treatment for acne—washes, gels, lotions, and creams such as antibiotics and retinoids—often come with a wide array of undesirable side effects, including dryness and peeling. A review of studies published in 2018 in Dermatologic Therapy, however, suggests that zinc is a kinder, gentler alternative to other acne treatments.

“Zinc is one of the most important minerals for skin health and acne sufferers,” says Ostrower. “Zinc controls the production of oil and the hormones that create acne. Oftentimes, people with acne are zinc deficient. Foods rich in zinc include pumpkins seeds, ginger, pecans, eggs, and oysters.”

8. Bell peppers may help you achieve a gorgeous summer glow

“Bell peppers are one of the ultimate beauty foods—especially the red ones,” says Zeitlin. Not only are these sweet peppers a rich source of skin-protecting antioxidants, but “they are a particularly great source of carotenoids, which help to prevent wrinkles and increase blood flow to your skin. They can also work to
prevent acne and breakouts, keeping your skin clear, glowing, young, and fresh-looking all summer long.”

Also read: Major Fall Hairstyle Trends You Need to Try This Year
9. Dull skin may need the help of Sea Buckthorn oil

Sea-buckthorn oil—which is extracted from the fruit and seeds of the sea buckthorn plant—is loaded with skin-repairing and regenerating fatty acids, such as omega-6 and omega-7, according to a review of studies published in 2017 in Lipids in Health and Disease. (Skin care tips)

“My favorite skin improvement food is, without a doubt, Sibu Sea Buckthorn,” says Slayton. “If you want luminous skin, think of this pretty orange berry that tastes like a Sour Patch Kid. Sea-buckhorn’s Latin name means ‘making horses shine’ and this interesting omega-7 oil, rich in beta carotene and vitamin C, is helpful for many skin conditions.” Among them: discoloration, eczema, and acne. (Skin care tips)

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