Things You Should Do Before You Go to Sleep

Things You Should Do Before You Go to Sleep: Health Trends

Things You Should Do Before You Go to Sleep: Health Trends

Things You Should Do Before You Go to Sleep

If you’re craving a good night’s sleep, start by avoiding things that sabotage your sleep like caffeine, big meals, and even serious conversations. Instead, before bed, opt for the following habits to set yourself up for relaxing, successful slumber.

1. Take a Warm Bath

Baths have always been a bit of a struggle, but eventually, I figured out ways to position myself to make baths perfectly comfortable and oh so relaxing.
Do you know what makes a bath even better? If you play some ambient music in the room, too.

You want wordless music that doesn’t swallow up the words you’re reading on the page, and I’m telling you all three — the music, books, and warm water — bring a sense of peace that can rarely be accomplished anywhere else.


2. Try to Go to Bed at the Same Time Every Night

You want to do everything in your power to wake up around the same time every day and go to sleep at the same time, too. When your body gets used to that rhythm after a few weeks, you’ll find yourself sleeping better, not waking up throughout the night, not suddenly opening your eyes at five in the morning, and tossing and turning before you have to get ready for work.

3. Stop using technology at least 20 minutes before bed

This is one of the most difficult things to do in today’s age. Technology is pervasive and avoiding the conversations that you are having can feel like an unnecessary pain point. Turning off your messaging for the night a bit before you sleep, though, will help your mind wind down.


4. Keep yourself as stress-free as possible at night

It is inevitable to have stressful nights from time to time. Doing what you can to make your nights calm, though, will play large dividends towards your sleep quality.


5. Write down or say five things you are grateful for from the previous day

At the end of each day, try saying or writing five things you are grateful for. They could be as large as a job offer, or as small as someone holding the door for you that day. Doing this before bed will remind you to appreciate life more. It will also leave you going to sleep in a better mood, which can translate to the following morning.

6. Meditate

Do racing thoughts keep you up at night? Meditating before you go to sleep is a great way to wrap up the workday and clear your mind of the day’s worries. Some meditations involve deep breathing exercises or focusing on different things that happened throughout the day, then letting your thoughts go. If you don’t know how to get started, you can listen to a guided meditation to help you ease into a regular routine.

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7. Spend time with a loved one

Are you restless because you’re anticipating a rough day? There’s nothing like the soothing voice of (or hugs from) a trusted friend or family member. If you know you’re going to have a challenging workday, make time to talk on the phone or in person with someone who encourages you. Reminding yourself of the love and support you have can put your mind at ease.

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