Brain food for studying

Best Brain Foods For Studying And Boosts

The food you put into your body can have a huge impact on how your brain works. This is important to remember around exam time when you’re probably paying more attention to books than brekkie. Learn how the food you eat affects your body so you can choose foods that improve your memory, fuel your brain and help you smash your study schedule.

Here are the top 13 Brain Food for studying

1. Avocados

A source of healthful unsaturated fat, avocados may support the brain.

Eating monounsaturated fats may reduce blood pressure, and high blood pressure is linked with cognitive decline. Thus, by reducing high blood pressure, the unsaturated fats in avocados may lower the risk of cognitive decline.

2. Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds which are rich in antioxidants are a great addition to your snack bowl. The presence of antioxidants ensures that your brain is protected from free radical damage.

Pumpkin seeds are also rich in Zinc, Magnesium, Iron, and Copper which are essential for your nervous system and your brain health. While copper is essential for controlling nerve signals, magnesium helps in enhanced memory power.

3. Eggs

If you’ve avoided eating whole eggs because of cholesterol concerns, you’ll be happy to know that recent studies show that eating eggs had no effect on the cholesterol levels of adults and might even help raise good cholesterol levels. Eggs really are all they’re cracked up to be!

4. Water

The intake of enough water in a day is one of the most effective ways of boosting your concentration. Consuming enough water every day helps one get rid of the toxins and other waste material accumulating in our body either through sweat or urine. 70 percent of the human body is comprised of water, this fact alone is proof enough of the high dependence of your body on water. Almost every single body function is dependent on water hence it is imperative that you consume enough of it.

5. Nuts

Research has shown that eating nuts can improve heart-health markers, and having a healthy heart is linked to having a healthy brain. Regular consumption of nuts could be linked to a lower risk of cognitive decline in older adults. (Brain food for studying)

Women who ate nuts regularly over the course of several years had a sharper memory compared with those who did not eat nuts

6. Turmeric

This ancient root contains curcumin, making the golden spice one of the most powerful (and natural) anti-inflammatory agents. Turmeric also helps boost antioxidant levels and keeps your immune system healthy, while boosting the brain’s oxygen intake and keeping you alert.

7. Celery

Celery stalkers appreciate that this crunchy veggie has antioxidants and polysaccharides which serve as anti-inflammatories to battle symptoms like inflammation, joint pain, and irritable bowel syndrome. It also has so few calories it is great to keep your mouth busy while you study.

8. Chocoholics, take note

Dark chocolate offers a double-whammy, with antioxidant properties to combat cognitive decline, as well as the natural stimulant of caffeine to enhance focus. Chocolate can help improve memory, alertness, and clarity by increasing blood flow to the brain. Not all chocolate is created equal though – the darker it is, the more benefits your brain will receive.

9. Berries

Berries, especially blueberries, are rich in vitamins, fiber, and flavonoids. They can reduce oxidative stress, inflammation and improve communication between brain cells. Blueberries also reduce short-term memory loss, and isn’t that just what you need during your exams?

10. Walnuts

All nuts and seeds are great sources of protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, so you’ll be really spoiled for choice. But walnuts – according to a study conducted by researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in 2015 – are exceptionally rich in a type of omega-3 fatty acid called alpha-linolenic acid, which improves memory while keeping both the brain and the heart healthy.

11. Green Tea

Considered as one of the healthiest beverages, green tea contains a lot more than just caffeine. The amino acids in green tea can cross the blood-brain barrier and can also increase dopamine production, therefore, decreases the effects of anxiety while the caffeine content acts as a stimulant.

12. Oranges

Oranges are a citrus fruit that is very a very rich source of Vitamin C.

Doing so is important for brain health since vitamin C is a key factor in preventing mental decline. According to one study, having higher levels of vitamin C in the blood was associated with improvements in tasks involving focus, memory, attention, and decision speed

13. Peanuts

Peanuts are a legume with an excellent nutritional profile. They contain plenty of unsaturated fats and protein to keep a person’s energy levels up throughout the

Peanuts also provide key vitamins and minerals to keep the brain healthy, including high levels of vitamin E and resveratrol.

Resveratrol is a natural non-flavonoid antioxidant found in peanuts, mulberries, and rhubarb. Evidence from a review article suggests that resveratrol can have protective effects, such as helping to prevent cancers, inflammation, and neurological diseases, including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Brain Drinks that Boost Your Memory

1. Pomegranate

Pomegranate is a great antioxidant and it very aptly limits the free radicals from damaging the brain cells. Antioxidants are also credited with increased blood flow and protection of the heart. A healthy cardiovascular system is synonymous with increased brain function. What is surprising is the fact that Pomegranate has more antioxidant content compared to red wine and green tea. Pomegranate juice can be consumed daily during the morning or afternoon.

2. Acai berry shake

Milk is packed with the goodness of a compound called Tryptophan, which helps in releasing serotonin in the brain, which further helps in healing the nervous system and induces sleep. Interestingly, an amalgamation of milk and exotic berries can help in improving overall health. Acai berry is a great source of antioxidants that help

in repairing cell damage caused due to free radicals. What makes Acai berry a great brain-boosting food is because it helps in increasing the blood flow to the brain. (Brain food for studying)

Apart from that, drinking a juice or a shake made with Acai berry can also help in managing blood pressure and reducing cholesterol levels.

3. Cocoa-based drinks

Cocoa is packed with flavanols that help in boosting overall health. Right from reducing blood pressure to improving heart health and boosting memory, cocoa drinks can work miraculously in boosting blood circulation, healing, and relaxing the nerves. Being a great source of antioxidants, cocoa-based drinks can help in relaxing the nervous system. According to a study, including cocoa-based drinks in your diet can remarkably improve brain function as well as memory. However, make sure you do not add sugar, cream, or excessive milk fats, this can reduce the goodness of cocoa.

4. Green Tea

The caffeine found in green tea benefits memory, performance, focus, and alertness. Green tea also contains an amino acid known as L-Theanine, which promotes relaxation and counteracts the stimulant effects of caffeine.

5. Beet juice

Apart from being a nutritional powerhouse, beet juice is a great source of nitric acid. The latter helps with blood flow in the body. A smooth blood flow, on the other hand, helps the brain is functioning properly. A study has found that people who consume beet juice have an increased circulation in the white matter resulting from increased brain activity. This juice is sweet in taste and can be consumed every alternate day.

6. Carrot juice

Carrot is known for its healthy components that are beneficial for the eyes. Recent studies have revealed that they are great for the brain too. Like other colored vegetables, they are a great source of antioxidants and have a high content of beta-carotene. Carrot juice can reduce the inflammation of the brain cells and improve memory. Carrot juice is not at all bitter and the same can be consumed every alternate day after your meal.

7. Almond Milk

Almond milk offers several health benefits – it’s known for promoting healthy bones and heart health – but it’s great for the brain, too. It contains L-carnitine and riboflavin, which both help boost brain activity. It may also help prevent age-related memory concerns.

Drink to your brain health by consuming more of these drinks all year long. Be sure to check back next week – we have a whole new series of great articles coming
packed with brain-healthy tips and ideas.

6 Ways to Keep Your Brain Sharp With Age

1. Mind Games

Not all brain activities have to be boring. On the contrary, the more fun they are, the more effects you will receive. One of the best ways to engage the brain is to challenge it.

You can do so with puzzles and mind games. Some of the best puzzles work logic and memory and help overall cognitive performance. Sudoku and riddles are fun ways to help you think without taking up all day. You can start with the ones in the newspaper, and then buy full books of them if you want more of a challenge. Use your brain, and keep your mind sharp.

2. Keep learning

A higher level of education is associated with better mental functioning in old age. Experts think that advanced education may help keep memory strong by getting a person into the habit of being mentally active. Challenging your brain with mental exercise is believed to activate processes that help maintain individual brain cells and stimulate communication among them. Many people have jobs that keep them mentally active. Pursuing a hobby, learning a new skill, volunteering, or mentoring are additional ways to keep your mind sharp.

3. Eat healthy to stimulate your brain

You may know that nuts, fish, and red wine have been linked to a healthy brain. For an extra brain boost, try including these foods in your diet. (Brain food for studying)

4. Repeat what you want to know

When you want to remember something you’ve just heard, read, or thought about, repeat it out loud or write it down. That way, you reinforce the memory or connection. For example, if you’ve just been told someone’s name, use it when you speak with him or her: “So, John, where did you meet Camille?”

5. Mathematics

For many, mathematics has been left behind since school. However, math is great for developing a sharp mind. Math engages you and forces your brain to think through the question to get a solution.

By exploring various areas of math, you can get a better understanding of real-world problems. It can help you understand other sciences better, and you will be satisfied to know that you have solved a numerical manipulation that others cannot. You can take classes or just read math books.

6. Writing

Writing is the type of activity that has a myriad of benefits, starting with calming your nervous system and going as far as improving your brain health. Due to the engagement of the complex thought and language processes in your mind, writing has similar—if not better—benefits than reading, as it enforces focus and stimulates memory. (Brain food for studying)

However, as writing involves greater degrees of proactive thought, it works against brain degradation. Not to mention, it is a great way to express feelings and thought. You can work with a single piece until satisfied, or you can write about something new whenever the idea strikes you.

“There may not be an age where you’re the best at everything.” This is what he and fellow researcher Laura Germine found.

Brain food for studying

  • Brain processing power and detail memory: peaks at age 18.
  • The ability to learn unfamiliar names: peaks at age 22.
  • Facial recognition: peaks at age 32.
  • Concentration: peaks at age 43.
  • Ability to identify other people’s emotions: peaks at age 48.
  • Basic arithmetic skills: peak at age 50.
  • Ability to learn and understand new information: peaks at age 50.
  • Vocabulary skills: peak at age 67.

Brain food for studying Causes

  • Age is a huge factor in memory loss. It is only normal that people start becoming forgetful as they age. Generally after the age of 35.
  • Stress and anxiety are things that none of us can avoid in this day and age.
  • Unfortunately, along with all the other health problems they cause, weak memory is a side-effect too.
  • Sleeping less than 7-8 hours each night also contributes to memory loss.
Also read: How Does Exercise Help To Deal With Stress?

Brain food for studying Home Remedies

  • Soak 7-8 badams (Almonds) overnight. In the morning, peel them, blend them into a paste and have them mixed in a glass of milk. This delicious drink is wonderful
    for boosting memory and retention.
  • Put a couple of drops of almond oil in your nose before you sleep to lubricate the channels of your brain.
  • Take the Jiva Memorica Tablet to benefit from its blend of memory-enhancing herbs.
  • Have 1 cup of the juice of a safe petha (Ash Gourd) in the morning. This vegetable strengthens the nerves and sharpens memory.
  • Kaala Til (Black sesame) is very effective too. Add it to your salads and vegetable preparations.
Also read: How to Train Your Brain to Focus

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